North Star
Therapist Roadmap

A Program to Create a Successful Practice, Become a Better Therapist, and Cultivate a Happier You.

Chart a course toward your ideal work, clients, career, and LIFE.

A redhead woman smiles at her computer, showing how it feels to have self care practices as a therapist.

Learn How to be a Better, Happier, and More Confident Therapist.

Feeling lost, confused, and alone?

You went into this field to make a meaningful contribution in the world and guide others, but it often feels like you’re the one who needs guidance to know what to do next. You know you’re intelligent and competent (you went to graduate school, after all), but there’s still that little voice you can’t quite shake that whispers, “I’m an imposter.”  

I felt all of these feelings and more as a new therapist, and I’m here to let you know that your feelings are completely normal. 

But it also doesn’t have to be this way!

I created the North Star Therapist Roadmap to help you gain clarity, confidence, and courage in your profession. 

The North Star Therapist Roadmap will help you chart your course year by year as you define who you are, what you do, who you work with, and where you’re going in your career and your life. It will teach you how to be a better therapist, how to find the right therapy clients, and how to practice self care along the way.

This will be a living document that will grow with you as you develop in your profession and in your life.

It will give you something to aspire to that’s based on your values and vision.

It will reveal and guide you along the path that leads to the life and career you’ll love!

Explore the Roadmap: A 3 Month Program for Becoming a Better, More Successful Therapist and a Happier You.

The North Star Therapist Roadmap is divided into 5 core modules that are covered in 3 months and helps you align your work goals with the life you love. You will not only learn how to become a better therapist and how to find therapy clients, but also how to structure your life so you can be a happier you.

While other programs and workbooks only cover building a private practice, this roadmap covers MORE THAN THAT in an integrative, intentional process.

After our 3 months together, you’ll have a customized, made-only-for-you roadmap to reference so you can feel confident you’re only saying a resounding YES to the clients, opportunities, and decisions that light you up and align with your North Star.

Here’s what you can expect in each module:

A pile of travel supplies, portraying the journey to becoming a better therapist.

Module 1: Preparing for the Journey

In this module, you’ll go deep with self-discovery. After all, you became a psychotherapist for a reason, and we’ll uncover that reason in this module. 

We’ll start by helping you remember what life experiences led you to your career in the first place (lesson 1), understand how to navigate the challenges that are holding you back from creating the life and career you dream of (lesson 2), and define what’s important to you and the values you believe in (lesson 3).

You won’t just discover all this information, but you’ll also learn how to apply it in your work to bring greater depth and meaning. 

Module 2: Planning the Journey

Once you understand who you are and how it informs your work, you’re ready to craft your big vision for your ideal future.

You’ll start with putting together a vision for your entire life in all domains so you know where you’re heading (lesson 4), then you’ll consider your work as a whole. Not just your career, but your mission and the transformative journey you bring your clients on (lesson 5).

Finally, you’ll map out what you want your career to look like (lesson 6) in a way that brings you joy, purpose, and fulfillment, and you can explore paths that bring you outside the therapist’s office too.

By the end of this module, you’ll have three big visions that all work in harmony together to create your ideal future state—the BIG YES you’re always moving toward.

A woman looks our over a hiking trail, portraying self care as a therapist.

Module 3: On the Journey

You’ve mapped out your North Star and know where you want to go, so it’s time to get practical about your career.

You’ll think about what services you offer and how you want to work with clients (lesson 7). Even though you likely have an idea of the specialties and modalities you want to emphasize, you’ll get even clearer in these lessons.

You’ll also develop a clear picture of who your ideal clients are (lesson 8) and what lights you up about them, and you’ll get clear on what they need from you (lesson 9).

What’s different about the North Star Roadmap is that in every module, you’ll come back to your overall vision to make sure you’re designing a career that fits in with your life instead of one that overpowers it.

Two people hold hands, portraying the support work needed to become a better therapist.

Module 4: Continuing the Journey

Here’s where we pull everything together. Depending on your goals, you’ll map out how to find therapy clients and where to find them (lesson 10), including learning about different platforms and directories available to you.

Nobody builds a career in a silo, and neither should you. You’ll consider your professional support network, like referral partners, affiliations, and organizations (lesson 11) to make sure you’re not only well-connected to always have clients but so you can support collaboration partners too.

At the end of the module, you’ll take everything you’ve created and learned, and you’ll put it on a calendar to create your dream schedule—and dream life—month by month (lesson 12).

Being able to take your visions and goals then break them down into yearly, quarterly, and monthly makes them more real and likely to come true. You’re not just dreaming here. You’re intentionally creating a life and career you love, and that takes planning and foresight.

Two parallel tracks, portraying the paths to becoming a better therapist and happier in life.

Module 5: The Parallel Path

Here, you’ll go back inward and think about your own inner work and where you want to invest and grow as a human, and not just a psychotherapist, so you feel more competent and confident.

You’ll examine what situations trigger you (lesson 13) and how to meet them so you’re aware and prepared when they arise (and they will arise!).

Then you’ll create a learning roadmap (lesson 14) that’s aligned with your vision and will help you continue to broaden your horizons. There is always more to learn, so you’ll consider which skills, modalities, and techniques you want to learn, hone, and master to serve your clients.

Finally, we’ll focus on your self-care needs as a therapist (lesson 15) and create a just-for-you self-care plan to ensure you’re taken care of as you take care of your clients. That way you’re never pouring from an empty cup, and you get to live your best life too.

Catherine, the teacher of this program which helps you become a better therapist, stands in front of an ocean.

Hi, I’m Catherine, and I want to show you how to grow into a better therapist and a happier you.

I left my 20-year corporate career after severe burnout, not knowing who I am or where I wanted to go. I explored various paths and became certified as a personal development coach because I knew I wanted to work with early-career psychotherapists to help them create their life and career with intention. Now, I specialize in helping new therapists learn how to become better therapists, how to internalize important self-care practices, how to find therapy clients, and how to build a successful practice that supports a joyful life.

A career in therapy doesn’t come with a map.

So let’s make one—just for you!

Become a better therapist with the North Star Therapist Roadmap.